© The Church of America Happens ©
Expelled From Congress for Exposing Corruption
Patriot Hip Hop and my journey to the Truth
Christie vs. The Cartel
The Victims of Connie Reguli Speak Out
Not Letting the Tyrants have your loved ones Die Alone
Family Law is a Genocide Machine
Making the Rotten Tomatoes App to Expose...
Dr Peter McCullough
Following the Righteous Path Even When...
The First Woman to Cross Alaska Alone...
Going to War...
Nearly All Heart Attacks Come From Dental Issues....
They are Geoengineering the planet, and it is killing you.
They are messing with our food because...
Left and Right Meet to Discuss Broken Journalism
Connie Reguli is a Criminal, a Fraudster, and a Destroyer of Lives
I was removed from office for using my freedom of speech
Lawyer of 40 years discusses the evil roots of legal
Comedy in the Age of Tyranny
World War III is coming and it will destroy America