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© The Church of America Happens ©
News and Current Affairs - Articles
STATEMENT OF FACTS - The 3rd Assassin Hoax
The Following document exposes what really happened October 12, 2024, and after, when the Riverside country Sheriff's department and...
SOCIAL MEDIA / MEDIA about the 3rd Assassin Hoax
The following PDF document captures the social media onslaught and other media effects of the 3rd Assassin Hoax perpetrated by Sheriff...
ARTICLES - 3rd Assassin Hoax
This PDF document captures a snapshot of the media onslaught due to the 3rd Assassin Hoax perpetrated by Sheriff Chad Bianco and the...
News and Current Affairs - Video Content

Tuesday October 3, 2023 - Climate "Change", J6 Update, Violence In Schools, more
October 3, 2023, Marc Morano joins Corinne Cliford to talk about the climate change hoax and how it started, and how it continues to be fueled and for what reasons. Bill Ogden joins AHN News to discuss Civics tactical training. Also Corinne Cliford tells us the news of the week with exclusive clips.

"AHN News May 14, 2023 - Border Invasion with Michael Yon, and more
May 14, 2023 - Michael Yon and Anthony Aguero join the AHN News Live broadcast to tell us what is happening at the border, with the very serious and critical border invasion. Later in the episode, they go to the actual border where we report live in areas consumed by illegals going across. Also in this episode, Elliott Cunningham joins us to discuss the corruption that lead to the false imprisonment of his son for 100 years!

"September 28, 2023 w/ Sheriff Mack, Michael Yon, Drag Queen Protest, Sheriffs, and more.
September 28, 2023 - Michael Yon joins AHN news live to give an update on the Border Invasion. Sheriff Richard Mack Joins to discuss unconstitutional Sheriffs who are too cowardly to stand up for our constitutional rights. Anthony Vo joins us to discuss his J6 persecution and how Christ keeps him strong and focused. Also, AHN News live comes direct from a children’s drag show protest.
Health and Wellness - Video Content

The Handbook to Good Health with Dr Hadar.
Dr Hadar Elbaz, a director of Functional Medicine at the Wellness Company, discusses the best way to detoxify and maintain tp health.

Vax Injury? Worried About Spike Proteins? Dr. Joe Nieusma describes his detox protocol.

Brian Hooker, PHD, RFK Jr. Writing Partner, talks Vax / Unvax
Finance - Video Content

Is the US Dollar About to Collapse? with Mark Volker
Mark Voelker, an expert in economics, states that a collapse will come, and the US Dollar will be replaced (Podcast recorded February 2022)

How to Save Your Wealth when the Collapse Comes... w/ Andrew Sorchini
The virtues of Gold, Silver, and Other precious metals and tangible valuables.

Bill Gates is buying all the farming land in the United States.
This might be a good time to invest in your own food source, your own ability to grow food.
Religion and Spirituality - Video Content

How you let God into your heart.
LW gives us morning prayer and devotion, the perfect start to your day.

The power of prayer can move the universe.
LW gives us morning prayer and devotion, the perfect start to your day.

So many Miracles occurring before our eyes.
LW gives us morning prayer and devotion, the perfect start to your day.
The Corrupt BAR and Judicial Complex - Video Content

VIRAL - Family Law breeds evil, and Marshal Willick is the Godfather of Family Law.
Marshall Willick is a snapshot of the Family Law Industry, a man willing to do anything, destroying lives, children, for the win.

Connie Reguli, disgraced former family law attorney, orchestrated 100 years in jail for former son in law
This episode of Blood Money documents how the Connie Reguli was able to use the corruption of family law to land a man in jail for 100 years.

This Blood Money episode captures the many horrors of the unlawful family law industry
The LGBTQ Agenda - Video Content

Mom Goes Undercover to Expose the Trans Agenda In Schools
Secret Guest joins the Blood Money Podcast with Vem Miller to expose an undercover sting operation to expose the trans agenda in schools.

Teacher exposes conspiracy to sexualize children and the mass cover up!
Dr Sean M Brooks has the receipts to show the sinister agenda of public schools, and the system itself has covered up this gross agenda!

Called "Extremist" for protecting Children!
Called "Extremist" for protecting Children!
Deep State Scum-baggery - Video Content

The deep state wants Tina Peters dead because she exposed the machines
The Deep State hunts down Tina Peters for being an American Hero, and Exposing how our elections are Selections.

Deep State unlawfully removes elected man from office!
Vem Miller interviews Couy Griffin. Couy was elected into office by the We The People, but the deep state wanted him removed because he is a patriot.

Another Patriot Removed from office by the Deep State
Joey Gilbert interviews Liz Harris. Harris' life has been under attack since she started exposing the deep state.
Lifestyle - Video Content

Can you heal depression with frequencies? Can you "vibe" your way out of trauma?
Dr Steven Schwartz is a leader in the field of using vibrations to heal.

The entire Petrochemical based Medical Industry is founded on lies. Its time to rethink medicine.
The current medical system is based upon profit, not good health. Justin Ballard and Andrew Serafini are a part of the movement for a new parallel medical system.

Every day we are being poisoned, so detoxing daily is important to many.
The Detox Girls discuss the many ways we are being poisoned daily, and the ways to detox and maintain good health.

DJ Vem Miller presents "The End of Old World" EDM Mix
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